We are all aware of the the plight of Pune - bad roads, pollution, congestion, lack of footpaths, pathetic public transport,
chaotic traffic.
This site is dedicated to bringing together like-minded people and organisations working towards making Pune a better
To understand the depth and complexity of the problems please read the article 'Pune Caught in a Whirlpool - Can a Modern
Public Transport System Rescue it'. The article also outlines how simple solutions can help resolve the muddle we find ourselves
New: Video's providing driver education
Much of the world wide web is full of sarcasm & mocking
of driving on Indian roads.
This site http://driving-india.blogspot.com/ has been created with the purpose of providing driver education and training
rather than criticism. The driver education is to be provided by way of a series of short videos focusing on concepts and
principles most Indian drivers are unaware about. To watch these
video's visit Driving a cultural change on Indian
Driver Training Video 1: Blind spots
The first of several video's focuses on awareness of Blind spots, this knowldege
is vital during all manoeuvre's especially - change of lanes and overtaking.
Support the Current Online Campaigns:
Improve Public Transport in Pune. Join Over 1390 Pune citizens by following 3
simple steps -
1. Visit the Campaign page
To understand why this campaign is important, read the article 'Pune Caught in a Whirlpool - Can a Modern Public Transport
System Rescue it'
Campaign 2 -
Say No to Balbharati-Paud Bypass visit
Click here to read why I oppose this road.